MP8007C – Valve Pac Graphite Crinkle Tape

Industrial Gaskets supplies a pure graphite crinkle tape or otherwise known as graphite ribbon.

It offers excellent sealing capabilities under extreme conditions for longer equipment life and less maintenance.

Industrial Gaskets MP8007C Valve-Pac conforms to stuffing boxes that suffer from slight ovality deformation.

Available with or without adhesive backing for ease of application.

MP8007C Valve-Pac has not impregnates, binders, additives, oil or grease with could possibly leave the packing and reduce its volume or contaminate the process media.It is ideally suited to high pressure and high temperature applications.

MP8007C Valve-Pac is non-hardening, dimensionally stable and impervious to gases and fluids.Adhesive backed is also non contaminating.


Size:6.5mm, 12.5mm, 19mm, 25.4mm standard

(Others upon request)

Length:15, 20 & 30 metres

Style:Corrugated or smooth

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