Flange Insulation Kits – Type D

Industrial Gaskets Type ‘D’ Flange Insulation Kits are specially made for RTJ flanges to be positioned in the ring groove.

Industrial Gaskets can supply various sizes and types of insulating gaskets, bolt insulation and complete gasket kits to suit any pressure, temperature or operational specifications.

Flange Insulation Gaskets are available in Compressed Fibre (Tesnit BA-GL or Tesnit BA-U), G11 Epoxy, Reinforced Phenolic, GPT Linebacker© Fire Safe. Each kit is also supplied with washers, sleeves in a wide variety of materials including Phenolic, Minlon, Mylar G11 Epoxy and Nomex. They are available for all flange sizes, types, pressure ratings and temperature ratings.

Industrial Gaskets Flange Insulation products are designed to combat the effects of corrosion often found in flanged pipe systems. Galvanic corrosion between dissimilar metal flanges, flange insulation associated with cathodic protection of underground piping are other examples where Flange Insulation can be put to effective use.

Industrial Gaskets Flange Insulation Kits –

  • Designed to minimise electro-chemical erosion
  • Prevent Galvanic Corrossion
  • Used to electrically isolate sections of pipework
  • Comprise of materials with high dielectric strength

Flange Insulation kits are available in different Types to suit flange configuration and subsequently the gasket style that is supplied within the kit. Below is the three main types of Flange Isolation Kits.

TYPE D – Consists of an RTJ Phenolic gasket (supplied with supporting bolts insulation materials)

TYPE E – Consists of a Full Face gasket (supplied with supporting bolts insulation materials)

TYPE F– Consists of a Ring gasket (supplied with supporting bolts insulation materials)

The most commonly specified kit style is the Type E unless ring groove flanges are being used in which the Type D must be specified.

For further information please contact one of our sales representatives.

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